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feel free to use it! tho no commercial usage allowed.
heck, my voice sounds eerily close to hers too.
the Vocaloid, not anyone else w/ the same name lol
i mean, i have a VERY similar build too, albeit a bit taller maybe?? (5'10 TwT i'm a giant)
one's a painfully hard rhythm game, one's a literal cardio exercise in disguise, and one's a historical bullet hell designed to test human reflexes
seriously. i made one. here: https://nerdyqueerndspace.freeflarum.com/
join of ya want, it's not suuper serious, but it's made to be a safe space for queer folks, neurodivergent folks, and Linux/BSD and/or otaku nerds lmao.
come and join!
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dumb post lmao