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this is all info that is either too long to be explained properly on my main profile, or it's not very relevant

  • dreams:

    i'd LOVE to get a Vocaloid 2 or 3 editor, i'm reallyy wanting to get Miku, SeeU, Iroha, GUMI Power, and Megurine Luka.

  • what's with Vocaloid?

    i've kinda loved it for over a decade now, i think afair it's been about roughly 12 or 13 years now? my favs are Miku, GUMI, Luka, SeeU, and Iroha - tho Kaito could beat himself at 4D chess.

  • goals:

    honestly, i really wanna move away from Australia, cuz personally i don't like how conservative it is, and especially... yea, lots of crap going on. i really wanna move to Dunedin in NZ tho.

  • favourite songs?

    atm they're probably one of these: Warning! (feat Galaco), The Little Witch (feat GUMI and MAIKA), Six Trillion years and an Overnight Story (IA), or Dancing Alone (feat SeeU)

  • other things:

    i personally have diagnosed ASD and ADHD, and i can't really handle anything too bright, flickery, or really anything that startles my high-sensory brain.

  • fav video games:

    Pokemon R/S/E, Pokemon D/P/Pt, Sonic Advance 1/2/3, Sonic Rush, Sonic Mania, Minecraft (modded w/ Forge usually), Radirgy, Kirby Air Ride, Touhou 10, and Drill Dozer.

  • games i'm decent at:

    i don't game as much anymore, tho some games i'm good at are Radirgy (play it on Hard a lot, it's literally a bullet hell), Taiko no Tatsujin (i can play Oni and i can beat Normal and Hard easily), and probably Minecraft (in a way?)

    my Taiko gameplay:
    my Radirgy gameplay:

  • misc:

    my timezone is AEST (no DST), i can tolerate humid/hot weather (i come from a weird swamp-semi arid kinda climate), i'm actually the og person who caused the whole "green azalea wood" shit with Minecraft, i'm a trans girl, i'm bisexual, and i'm 16. fun fact: it's been 11-12+ years now since i started playing Minecraft ( T w T )

  • fun fact:

    i am the original source of the Green Azalea Wood Minecraft conspiracy/theory/whatever thing. yes, it was me. you're welcome. i think i called it 'mossy green' if i remember correctly.